Monday, 20 June 2011

UPDATE: Square Victoria Intervention

After one whole weekend, the Begonias are still there and therefore some of us have felt the desire to water them and continue this intervention.  Perhaps the particular aesthetic qualities had something to do with their instilled presence on the Queen Victoria statue and perhaps the fact that during the weekend this square is significantly less used.  We will monitor this and let you all know how the intervention is going.
The wind has taken three of the First Nation's language tags. The ones remaining are:


Jennifer from our group thought watering them in situ would be a snap as there is a fountain nearby, but she miscalculated the direction in which the water flowed. That it, it flows up.
So after some consultation with a couple of amused lunch eaters I simply took them down from their perches and placed them UNDER the fountain. Voilà.

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